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An excellent upper-body pulling movement; the bent over row will build strength in the back and biceps muscles.


Pulling exercises are a necessity to ensure balance for the upper body. There is an alliance between pulling and pressing muscles. The better you get at pulling, the stronger your pressing will be and vice versa

The kettlebell row teaches you to hold the correct hip hinge position while loading the hips, hamstrings, core and back muscles.

  1. Assume a standing position while holding a kettlebell in your hand with a neutral grip.

  2. Hinge forward until your torso is roughly parallel with the floor (or slightly above) and then begin the movement by driving the elbows behind the body while retracting the shoulder blades. Keep your weight back on your heels so you feel the tension in your hamstrings.

  3. Pull the kettlebell toward your body until the elbows are at (or just past) the midline and then slowly lower the kettlebells back to the starting position under control. Your back should remain flat and your core muscles braced to support your spine. Just holding this initial bent over position will help you to better load and then unload the hips.

  4. Resist the downward pull on your upper body by bracing your core muscles tight.

  5. Row the kettlebell to the hip being careful not to allow the shoulders to hunch up towards the ears. Squeeze the back muscles tight at the top (Hold for 2 secs) before slowly lowering the kettlebell back down with control.

  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions


Double Kettlebell Row


Muscles worked

Muscles worked with rows

  • Deltoid (shoulders)

  • Latissimus dorsi (back)

  • Teres major (above lats)

  • Rhomboids (in between shoulder blades, under trapezius)

  • Triceps brachii (back of arms)

  • Pectoralis major (chest)

  • Erector spinae (large group of muscle that run down the back)

  • Trapezius (between shoulder blades)

  • Other core muscles

The muscles worked will vary depending on the row variation.

kettlebell bent over row muscles.jpg

Note: If you would like your technique analysed for feedback. Video yourself completing the exercise from the side and send it to  for feedback


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