Kettlebell Lunges are an extremely powerful exercise for developing strong legs and bum (glutes).
The kettlebell lunge is also a great exercise to improve single leg strength as well as developing mobility in the hips which is excellent for sports and general movement skills.
Plus, get ready for a huge cardio workout too when you start using the lunge. Before progressing onto any kettlebell lunge variations it is important to have developed lunge strength by practicing without weight first, which you should have done anyway to have gotten this far.
Basically what i'm saying is master the movement first before loading it with a kettlebell. A poor lunge technique will only be magnified when adding extra load and will result in faulty movement patterns which create bad habits and are harder to rectify at a later date.
KETTLEBELL Forward Lunge

Performing kettlebell lunges is fairly simple, with only two main varieties of the movement both offering their own benefits. Its recommended you should try both versions to find out what works best for you, regardless of which version you perform the technique to perform this kettlebell exercise is the same.
1) Standing upright with a Kettlebell holding the sides of the handle aka horns with each hand
2) Lunge forward with one leg so the opposite knee almost touches the floor.
3) Drive upwards using the Leg that has lunged forward.
4) Repeat movement with the opposite Leg.
This can also be reversed. So instead of lunging forward, step back and lunge down.
KETTLEBELL Forward Lunge
In racked position

1) The lunge method is the same, the only change is that the kettlebell weight is distributed to one side (try and alternate sides wherever possible ie: 1 round on the right, 1 round on the left etc)
2) Lunge forward with one leg so the opposite knee almost touches the floor.
3) Drive upwards using the Leg that has lunged forward.
4) Repeat movement with the opposite Leg.
Muscles worked

Targeted muscles include:
Glutes in your hips and bum
Quadriceps in your thighs
The calf muscles in your lower legs
Your abdominal muscles
Back muscles act as stabilisers during the exercise.
Note: If you would like your technique analysed for feedback. Video yourself completing the exercise from the side and send it to for feedback
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